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Manual breast pump Proper use of breast pump

Update time : 2021-11-30

Breast pump not only can be divided into manual breast pump and electric pumps, and pumps of the brand is varied, so it was very much treasure mom in choosing a breast pump is more puzzled, because the breast pump can not only save the milk, but also can help stimulate secretion of milk, then a manual breast pump what is the correct way of using the breast pump?

Correct use of manual breast pump:

Manual breast pumps operate almost as well as electric ones, and some mothers find them easier to use. The reason is that manual is convenient and small, and can control the speed themselves. The manual breast pump also consists of a bra, which will prevent it from being pressed against the breast. The manual handle will start to generate suction, and then press the handle as fast as you feel appropriate. It’s also very convenient. After use to clean the bra part, do not have residual milk, otherwise it is very easy to mildew. It’s not good for a child to be infected with mold.

1.After washing the hands, remove the parts of the breast pump and clean them again. Sterilize the parts of the breast pump by placing them in a boiling pot.

2.choose their own comfortable sitting position, with the hand breast pump massage pad close to their breast, do not leave gaps around.

3.Hold the breast with one hand and hold the handle with the other. The hand holding the handle pulls in and out regularly so that the milk can be sucked into the bottle.

Matters needing attention:

Apply a hot towel to unclog the breast before using the breast pump. Clean the handle in time after use, residual grease, if not cleaned in time next time, the handle will fail to press and slip. Suction should not be too large, slowly out of the best.

Breastfeeding time is too close to the last breastfeeding or breastfeeding time. If your baby or you have just emptied your breast, it will be difficult to make much milk. A breast pump is a device used to suck out breast milk that has accumulated in the breast. Many expectant or lactating mothers have one. Manual breast pump is light and practical, which can help nursing mothers to relieve the pain and embarrassment of breast enlargement when they go out. Can also be at work or when the mother’s milk is not finished can use it to suck out the mother’s milk to save, so that they are not around to let the child eat the mother’s milk for the first time.

Can a baby suckle when it is asleep?

If the baby fell asleep at the time of feeding, do not feed the baby, do not develop the habit of eating nipples to sleep. It is best to fill the milk when the baby wakes up, otherwise, the baby will soon wake up because of hunger, which will affect the quality of sleep. In the child’s four or five months, you can quit night milk, quit night milk to let the child the whole night sleep, to ensure sleep time.

After the baby falls asleep, there will be breastfeeding action, in fact, this situation is normal, but it is a bad habit, to be corrected in time, which is not conducive to baby sleep. As long as it is found that the baby is sleepy, the baby should be put in the crib, and then gently pat the child, so that the baby can give a sense of security, and should try to let the baby fall asleep, do not always hold or rock him to sleep.

If the mother is worried that the baby is not eating enough, it may not be good for its healthy growth. She can also shake the baby after sleeping for a while and feed it again so that the baby can sleep for a longer time. And want to let the baby have a good sleep, when it grows up, sleep during the day to the reasonable arrangement, so as not to affect the night sleep.

If the baby has the habit of sucking nipples to fall asleep, it is not good for the baby’s dental health. Therefore, if the baby has such a habit, parents want to get rid of it as soon as possible, you can try to use other methods to appease its sleep. For example: Sing a lullaby.
